BACK SINOSTEEL MECC Officially Contracted Two Sets of TRT Equipments For 4×450M3<\sup> BF of Yingkou Medium Plate of Minmetals

On Apr. 8th, SINOSTEEL MECC signed an EPC turn-key contract to supply Minmetals Yingkou Medium Plate Co, Ltd. with two sets of TRT for 4×450M3 BF. The common used technology, one TRT equipment for two Blast furnaces, is used in this project thus saved nearly 30% investment compared with the conventional technology. The total equipment capacity of this project is 12,000Kw, and the annual generating capacity is 96,000,000.00Kw.

TRT project is the priority investment and keystone environmental project for Minmetal Yingkou Medium Plate company. The project will be meaningful for the company to realize its energy conservation, cost reduction, environmental protection, clean production and its competence improvement.

At the same time, whether the project can be successfully implemented will affect not only the TRT engineering market exploration of SINOSTEEL MECC, but also the strategic cooperation between Minmetals Yingkou Medium Plate and SINOSTEEL Group. Through the cooperation, both parties may benefit from the strength of each other, fully explore the local advantages of Yingkou in terms of its geography and location, and make use of the opportunity of shake-up of Northeast industry area and the development of Bohai Economic zone. In this case SINOSTEEL MECC attaches great attention to the project, allocating strong support of talent and funds for the earlier start-up of the project, and try to accomplish the project with a satisfying consequences.

Beijing ICP No.11020457 Technical support : zc-yd